Keith Leonard Mannock

The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.
Frank Zappa

About me

  • I'm, fundamentally, a software engineer (programmer).
  • I've given invited talks on my research work, both on academic and industrial concerns.
  • I've run research projects, most of which have been industry related.
  • I've also been involved in several web events in the industry, which are tiring but fun.
  • I've been an external examiner on various BSc and MSc programmes and PhDs.
  • I have given invited lecture courses at many places….
  • In my copious spare time, I write articles, and books, and develop online courses for programmes, whether that be beginners or professionals.
  • I am a bit of a nonconformist ("now there is a surprise" say my colleagues)


I'm one of those people that is suffering from "Long COVID" which has presented itself as a cluster of symptoms that are overlapping and fluctuating. My symptoms include breathlessness, headaches, cough, fatigue and cognitive impairment or ‘brain fog’; it has caused long-term lung damage, which is why my students sometimes receive a lecture from "Darth Vader"!


  • AAAI - American Association for Artificial Intelligence
  • AAISB - Association for Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour
  • ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
  • ALT - Association for Learning Technology
  • BCS - British Computer Society
  • IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology


  • PhD in Computer Science, 1990
    University College London, Dept of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 1983
    Polytechnic of Central London, Dept of Computer Science
  • Higher National Diploma in Computing, 1982
    Polytechnic of Central London, Dept of Computer Science

A bit of history

I received the B.Sc. degree with first class honours in Computer Science (CNAA) from the Polytechnic of Central London. I also have an HND with Distinction in Computer Studies for what it is worth! Studying at a Polytechnic was a conscious decision for me - I wanted to avoid the "ivory towers" view of life; I received some support from Esso (bang goes my Green credentials).

Whilst an undergraduate I did a fair amount of external consultancy - the money came in very useful! I then went on to study for my Ph.D. degree at University College London in the area of electronic document retrieval under Professor Clement Leung. As a research student I continued to do external consultancy and teaching at various Colleges. I took up a full-time lectureship at Birkbeck in 1986 (that long ago!). I've continued to foster links with industry (see my research pages) and work in the areas of programming languages (especially languages for the JVM and OSX), software engineering, and visual information systems (multimedia information retrieval).